fredag den 2. juli 2010

Nyt på salgsbloggen

Jeg har lagt nye sager op på salgsbloggen. - Kig forbi :)

Only for Danish people, sorry.

3 kommentarer:

  1. Chris, hvad med at lave oplæg til drenge også? Min søde kæreste vil gerne inspireres :) Og du har jo en fin model (læs: C) som kan stå model....
    - Din nabo :)

  2. Haha Gitte! Kunne være jeg skulle overveje det :)


  3. I love the pants you have in the "salgsbloggen". You should wear them!

    I took your advice and tried to sell my clothes on trendsales and well, it does not work at all. :( People want to buy things only with max 100 dkk shipping included. I suppose the problem is that they only bid prices including the shipping. When they would bid and say 25 dkk + fragt it would be strange and maybe then they would understand that it is wayyyy too low price. Some even wanted to pay 50 dkk so that 75 krona fragt is included. :D

    Do you have any other suggestions how to get rid of my things? I thought about renting a spot at a flea market in triangle, but then I need to find someone who want to join me. What do you think?
